I am experienced as both a mediator and a conflict coach, and I offer both services. Mediation is the process wherein a neutral third party (the mediator) creates and leads a collaborative process to overcome conflict. The outcome is determined by the parties, not the mediator. Conflict Coaching is working with only one party in a conflict, but with the same objective of facilitating a collaborative resolution to the conflict.
While I have experience in both mediation and conflict coaching in a variety of situations, my work in conflict is now specific to problems arising around death or dying. As a mediator, this may take the shape of mediating for a family in conflict over the correct course of action to take for a loved one, or in resolving interpersonal friction that is causing a lack of harmony in the family when it is needed most. As a conflict coach, my work is to assist either a dying person or one of their loved ones in discovering why they feel unable to shift a conflict and to feel empowered to make the needed change in a collaborative way.
In both roles, my objective is to assist you in moving past the notions of wrong and right, which are seldom as objective as they feel while in conflict, to discover underlaying motivations and values, and to re-focus on what really matters: having the best possible relationships. As with all of my work, Death Coaching is integrated throughout my role as a mediator or conflict coach, as so often our anxiety or fear of death is a core cause of conflict when we are faced with mortality.